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Other UK and Mainland European Theme Parks

Europe has a lot of other theme parks. Although we have visited a lot of them, there are not many which we think are worthy of their own page. So here we have given a quick overview of some of the other theme parks - those that have fewer high quality rides. 

Oziris at Parc Asterix

Kumali at Flamingo Land - Only ride at the back!

Flamingo Land (UK)

Flamingo Land is a combined theme park and zoo near to the north Yorkshire coast. The general feel of the place is quite run-down and more akin to a fairground than a modern theme park. However, this masks a few decent rides which makes this park worth half a day of your time should you happen to be in the area. The zoo provides ample entertainment for those less interested in rides. We are suckers for animals so would always recommend visiting parks with zoos.


The best coaster is Velocity, a launched coaster which features motorbike-position seats. The hanging coaster Kumali is also worth riding, although make sure you sit towards the back as it is uncomfortably jerky at the front. Mumbo Jumbo was a world record holder for a while, having the steepest drop in the world (112 degrees). The ride itself is a bit odd and does not do anything else exciting other than the drop, which is very short. But it’s fun to be able to say you have ridden it. If you like flat rides then Flip Flop – a giant spinning pendulum ride – is definitely worth a go. It delivers several seconds of weightlessness with each swing.


Overall, Flamingo Land has some good rides and animal experiences, but what lets it down is the overall ‘run-down’ feel and lack of theming.

Last visited 2013

Us somewhere that isn't Lightwater Valley

Chessington World of Adventures (UK)

Chessington is the third UK park in the Merlin Group and is a combined theme park and zoo. The rides are mainly aimed at families and young children, so it is not somewhere we have spent much time. However, it is well themed and features a really good range of rides for kids. Plus, the zoo and sealife centre are great for people who are not bothered about going on rides.

The park recently added a new Jumanji themed area. This includes Mandrill Mayhem, a launched winged coaster which is well-themed and enjoyable. Even though it has several launches and an inversion, it is not too scary and still fits with the overall family theme of the park.

The tiger-themed area is also very attractive and well done.

In amongst all the children’s stuff there is Dragon’s Fury which is an excellent spinning coaster (similar to Spinball Whizzer at Alton Towers). Kobra - a spinning disc ride which features a short track - is also fun. The other coaster – Vampire – is dull and not worth bothering with for serious coaster aficionados, although the ride station is very well themed.

Last visited 2023

Heide Park (Germany)

Found in northern Germany, Heide Park is yet another in the Merlin Group stable. Many of its rides have similarities to those in other Merlin parks (presumably they get a discount for buying two of the same type of ride from the manufacturer). This means it has a good range of rides.


The best coaster by far is Flug der Dämonen, a wonderfully smooth and enjoyable winged coaster. Desert Race (launch coaster) and Krake (dive coaster) are also worth riding. The park also featured the world’s highest wooden coaster although this recently closed.


Overall, we guess it is unlikely that many people from other countries will find themselves in this part of Germany. And, unlike Europa Park, Heide Park is not worth making a special effort to get to. But it is fun for a day out.

Last visited 2014

Flip Flop, Flamingo Land. Yes, those are Joe's legs


ICON at Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Parc Asterix (France)

If Drayton Manor is overshadowed by Alton Towers, then Parc Asterix is utterly cast into perennial darkness by EuroDisney. Located a short distance from Paris, most tourists would never think to visit Parc Asterix when EuroDisney is so near and so much easier to get to. That probably explains why the park has a feeling of being slightly rundown and lacking investment.


There are a few decent rides. Oziris is an excellent hanging coaster with an ancient Egyptian theme (although make sure you sit towards the back as it is quite jerky at the front), and Tonnerre de Zeus is one of the best and most comfortable wooden coasters we have been on. However, we strongly recommend that you avoid the other major coaster, Goudurix. It is extremely jerky, uncomfortable and, at times, painful.

We have not been to Parc Asterix since the new coaster Pégase Express opened. From what we have seen online it looks quite fun, although it is hard to tell without riding it. However, it is encouraging to see that the park is building new rides.

Last visited 2013

Movie Park (Germany)

Supposedly Germany’s answer to the big, well-themed US parks, we found Movie Park to be a bit disappointing. Star Trek-Operation Enterprise is an excellent launch coaster, which features some brilliant Star Trek theming (Joe loved this!) and multiple launches. Area 51 is a decent boat ride with some good indoor theming. And Van Helsing’s Factory is a fun indoor coaster. But that’s about it. The park is worth a visit if you happen to be in the area, but don’t bother going out of your way. 

If you do go to Movie Park, we recommend avoiding the MP Express coaster; it's evil.

Last visited 2020

Plopsaland De Panne

Plopsaland is a very odd park, and a hard one for coaster enthusiasts to rate. It takes 2 and a half hours to get there from Brussels and it is almost entirely filled with kids rides. BUT... there is one reason why everyone really should go to this park, and that reason is The Ride to Happiness by Tomorrowland. This is an almost unique spinning launched coaster. The ride launches multiple times whilst the cars freely spin, making each ride different. It is amazing! It's also beautifully themed in a steampunk style. This ride is the only reason we went to Plopsaland, and it was totally worth it.


Whilst you're there, Heide the Ride is an enjoyable and not too rough wooden coaster. Anubis the Ride is another launched coaster, but it's fairly jerky. 


Overall it's a nice park with a nice feel. But the overriding reason to go is for the Ride to Happiness. It is one of the best coasters in the world. 

Last visited 2023


Part of The  Ride to Happiness at Plopsaland. Remember, you're both launched and freely spinning along this. How wonderful

Adventure Island (UK)

Adventure Island is a strange little theme park on the Southend beachfront. The reason we say ‘strange’ is that it is basically a collection of small, typical seaside-pier attractions (mostly flat rides with a couple of small coasters) and then Rage, a large, intense coaster with a beyond vertical drop and multiple inversions. Rage feels rather out of place next to the other, much more gentle rides. But it is good fun. There is also Axis, a pendulum ride which does a full 360 degree rotation. 


None of the other rides really stand out, although the ghost train Over the Hill has a great ending and is light-hearted enough to be suitable for families. As well as the theme park, there are other typical seaside attractions like mini-golf to keep you entertained.


Unlike most theme parks, Adventure Island is free to get in. You can use the rides either by buying an all-day wrist band or by paying as you go, which is good for groups with some non-riders.


Although Adventure Island is not worth going out of your way to visit, it is fun for a few hours if you happen to be in the area.

Last visited 2021


The carousel at Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Lightwater Valley (UK)

Don’t. Just don’t.


The limited number of rides they have there are old, unenjoyable and (in the case of The Ultimate) downright painful.


Here is a list of things you could do in the local area which are one million times better than wasting your time going to Lightwater Valley:


  • Visit Ripon Cathedral

  • Climb the tower at York Minster

  • Watch some paint dry

  • Visit Castle Howard

  • Enjoy the North Yorkshire countryside

  • Watch some grass grow

  • Do the York Dungeons tour


If you chose to ignore our advice and visit Lightwater Valley we accept no responsibility for your lack of enjoyment. You have been warned!

Last visited 2013

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Mandrill Mayhem at Chessington

Drayton Manor (UK)

Somewhat overshadowed by its near-neighbour Alton Towers, Drayton Manor is a rather disappointing experience. The park has a few decent rides but suffers from the same problem that afflicts a lot of small theme parks – a lack of investment. The last major coaster built there was in 2005.


The best ride by a million miles is G-Force which is a good coaster. The ride is unusual in that the lift hill carries riders up the first half of a loop-the-loop and then drops them down the other side. It also has lapbars which enhances the experience. There are also a few decent flat rides, or which Maelstrom is the best.


The other major coaster is Shockwave; a standing coaster which gives a rough and uncomfortable ride.


Overall, if you are in Staffordshire then we suggest going to Alton Towers instead!

Last visited 2007

Blackpool Pleasure Beach (UK)

The British public has a bit of a thing about Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Talk to anyone about being a rollercoaster fan and you can be sure they will ask you what you think about Blackpool. Even people who haven’t heard of Alton Towers know about Blackpool. This widespread name recognition probably explains why, despite a significant lack of investment in modern rides compared to other parks, Blackpool Pleasure Beach remains one of the UK’s most visited theme parks. In our view, it is overrated. Most of the coasters are old – some, like the Big Dipper, dating back to the early 20th century – and give rough, uncomfortable rides.


Even the more modern rides, such as the hanging coaster Infusion, are disappointingly jerky compared to others of their type. That said, their newest ride ICON is an excellent launch coaster (we recommend sitting towards the front). Hopefully this is a sign that BPB will be investing in smoother, more modern coasters in the future. Even better is the fact that the back two seats on one of the trains now freely spin. They call this ENSO and it has a separate queue. Although you have to pay extra, it is totally worth it as Enso is a fantastically smooth, exciting and chaotic experience.


Blackpool’s biggest attraction (in all sense of the word) is The Big One. When it opened in 1994, it was the highest coaster in the world. These days it has been overtaken in height, speed, smoothness and quality by other more modern coasters. It is a ride which sums up BPB – used to be big and impressive, now very outdated. However, this ride will always hold a special place in Hayley’s heart as she went on The Big One when it first opened and it was one of the rides that fuelled her passion for rollercoasters. In our view, Enso/ICON is easily the best attraction at BPB.


Rather than paying a large amount to get into the park, riders have to buy a wristband to access the rides. This means that non-riders can get into the park by paying only a small amount (currently £6) for non-ride access.


Blackpool Pleasure Beach has some fun rides and is good for a bit of nostalgia if you happen to be nearby, but not worth going out of you way to visit.

Last visited 2022

Goudurix at Parc Asterix - Widely considered the worst coaster in the World

Holiday Park (Germany)

Holiday Park is mainly aimed at families so there wasn’t a huge amount for us to do. We were excited to go on Expedition G-Force because it frequently rates as being one of the best coasters in the world. Sadly it was a disappointment. It’s a decent ride, but the turns are too jerky and the airtime moments too short to make it great. Plus, the restraints gave Hayley bruises on her legs. We much preferred Sky Scream – a launched coaster which shuttles both backwards and forwards around a kind of circular track. 

Last visited 2020


A few bits of the theming from Star Trek - Operation Enterprise

Walibi Belgium

Walibi Belgium is a park with some decent rides, but lacks the theming to make it a really enjoyable day. That said, it's near to Brussels and has enough rides to make it worth a visit. Kondaa is an excellent hypercoaster (it's Joe's favourite Intermin hyper) with really good airtime. That is by far the best ride in the park. Psyke Underground is an indoor launched looping coaster which is well themed and enjoyable. There are a selection of other coasters, dark rides and and a mine train, none of which are particularly noteable but they're all okay as long as the queues aren't too long.

Try a waffle whilst you're there, they're delicious!

Last visited 2023

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Kondaa at Walibi Belgium

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